Why Fall Cleanup is Beneficial

Created by: Jacob Thomas

Fall Cleanup Quick Facts:

  • Prevents leaves from matting down grass over the winter
    • Prevents dead spots from developing in the lawn due to piles of leaves
  • Allows home to look it's best at the end of the season
  • Removes leaves from walks and drives
    • as leaves decompose, they get slippery and pose a hazard if left on walkways 
  • We'll mulch some leaves into the lawn which adds significant carbon and other nutrients back into your lawn's soil.
  • Directly and indirectly results in a healthier, thicker lawn by adding nutrients and preventing dead spots caused by prolonged leaf piles



Fall Cleanup is the process of clearing leaves from your lawn and property.  This process allows the grass to continue growing without additional stressors during the late Fall season while allowing your home to look it's best through the late Fall and into the Winter.   Fall Cleanup is a very beneficial service which will keep your lawn healthy and happy allowing it to properly prepare for the upcoming Winter weather. 


The problem:

Each Fall leaves change into a rhapsody of brilliant colors and then, one by one drop and gather under trees and on lawns.  This ever growing layer of leaf litter begins to shade out the grass while pressing on the blades and bending them towards the ground.  When the winter snow comes, the grass will be fully matted to the ground and, in the Spring, this layer of leaf litter will begin decomposing on top of the grass and will eventually create large dead patches in the lawn.  While this process is great for returning nutrients back to the soil where the tree can uptake them again, it will result in poor lawn performance and poor curb appeal.  In the spring turf will be weaker and weak turf is prone to insect damage, disease, drought and heat stress, plus weed growth and increased water runoff.  

From a safety stand point, leaves tend to gather on paths and driveways which are trodden under foot and tires.  When combined with rain/precipitation the leaves can become slippery and create a potentially dangerous situation.  

As any homeowner can tell you, leaves become a contentious thing when one neighbor is cleaning their property and a gust of wind brings more work over the property line.

How Fall Cleanup Solves These Problems:

Fall Cleanup removes leaf litter from the lawn and responsibly recycles it.  A thorough Fall cleanup occurs in 2 - 3 stages/visits.  The first cleanup should focus on the lawn, driveway and pathways only.  This prevents the leaves from stressing the grass and keeps the property safe and tidy.  The Second Fall cleanup should focus on the entire property including the lawn, road frontage, drive, walk, gardens, under hedges and window wells.  A third Fall cleanup may be possible if the Winter snow holds off and focuses on any leaves which have blown in from neighbours or have fallen from late-to-drop trees.  Not to worry if the third cleanup cannot be performed as any leaves which fall during the Winter can be cleaned up during your annual Spring cleanup.

When should Fall cleanup be performed?

At Thomas Lawn Care, we plan a minimum of 2 visits and aim to deliver a third visit, time and weather permitting.

Our timeline for this service:

Fall Cleanup #1 - Generally starts October 15 - October 27 - Trees are usually 1/2 down at this point

Fall Cleanup #2 - Generally October 28 - November 9 - Trees are usually3/4 - fully down at this point

Fall Cleanup #2 - If possible, generally November 10 - 15. - This visit is to gather blowing leaves.

Direct Benefits of Fall Cleanup:

The leaves will not stress the lawn in the Fall and the property will look it's best.

Indirect Benefits of Fall Cleanup:

Our process mulches the leaves as we gather them.  Some of this leaf mulch filters into the lawn and adds beneficial organic material in a format which will not stress the lawn like whole leaves do.  


Other Treatments Which Pair Nicely With Fall Cleanup:

Lawn Mowing

Spring Cleanup